Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator (PCNSA)

Yesterday, I passed the PCNSA exam. I previously did the PCCSA/PCCET exam, which was more of a general overview about security concepts and the Palo Alto product range. By contrast, the PCNSA is more practical, so it’s aimed at people who do hands-on tasks with a Palo Alto firewall. In particular, it’s mostly focussed on …

Exchange 2007 – firewall problems on Windows 2008

In Windows 2003, the local firewall was turned off by default. You could enable it, but you had to be careful about defining all your exceptions; unlike a PC running Windows XP, you presumably want people to be able to connect to your server! Finding a list of all the relevant ports/protocols could be difficult, …

The small print of DOOM!

I was going through the log files on my firewall server today when I saw something odd: my PC was trying to send outbound traffic on port 6667 every 30 seconds. At first I thought that this was for my IRC client, but it wasn’t. Instead, it’s a legacy of the “Sky by Broadband” service …

Firewall blacklist

One of my current projects is configuring ISA 2004 as a firewall. Without wanting to get sidetracked into advocacy debates, all I’ll say is that: a) It’s a lot better than ISA 2000. b) It’s annoying that it doesn’t support more than one internet connection, so hopefully they’ll fix that in ISA 2006. Anyway, today …